XUpload - Many Problems...

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Many Problems...

#1 Postby persona.media » Sep 12, 2007 4:24 pm

Hi Everybody...

first: my english is really not the best - sorry for any misunderstandings... okay: i'am new user of Pro-Script, i have yesterday purchase...

The Functionally is top! Thanks BUT: I find it unfortunate that a commercial Script a validen code does not contain! That should be absolutely amended.

Now i have many questions for Troubleshooting...

1. I will use tiny2 template with circle-progressbar AND with multiupload, how???

2. I have delete post.cgi and post.php. Now show me the browser after submit this errormessage on the browser: Method Not Allowed
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /uploads/index.html

I will simply after submit back/redirect to the upload form without statusdisplay or this errormessages. What must i do???

3. Im not understanding the compliacate template-technology. How can i simple switsch and change the "inline3"- Displayoption with the Templates Hitech, Pro1 or modify templates. And i will activate ONE Template without css and codessnipptes of not used Iframes Templates...

My Target is valide Code xhtml and tableless Code! is that feasible?

I send the login / per email an support... Please help me first for Problem Number 2....

Greetings from Germany ... i hope you could me a little bit understand :-)

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Server Error, when disabled post.php / post.cgi

#2 Postby persona.media » Sep 13, 2007 6:38 pm

Hi, to my Problem No. 2.

This is the solution:

upload.cgi original entry:

Code: Select all

### Sending data with POST request if need
my $url_post = $c->{url_post} || $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
This is the Modify for Killing the Servererror-Message:

Code: Select all

### Sending data with POST request if need
my $url_post = $c->{url_post} || $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
   if($url_post !~ /\.php$/i && $url_post !~ /\.cgi$/i)
You can now use or not the redirect file in the config. As PHP or CGI

Okay. Now it concerns only the template Tiny2 /Tiny.
As one makes with this Templates Multiuploads?


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#3 Postby PilgrimX182 » Sep 14, 2007 8:06 am

Please explain tiny2+multiupload layout: you want circle progress for every file or for all selected files? Multiple files in one form or Multiple forms with 1 file inside?

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#4 Postby persona.media » Sep 14, 2007 8:36 am

Hi, and good morning from germany...
you want circle progress for every file or for all selected files? Multiple files in one form or Multiple forms with 1 file inside?
What is the big different for this possibilitys? hmm, is not so importantly, at the best one should both be possible :-) it concerns the principle.

the best solution what i wish:

1. Multiple Uploads with select each file individually and display the progresscircle for every file.
2. successively uploads and progressdisplay for the selected files - NOT asynchron upload, because there are often server problems there with...

I have new question for styling... how can i style the fileselectform and the textfielfd for description? (width or heigt and with more lines etcetera...) the forms for selected file and particularly for the description is too small for visually control and enterfrom more text more textinfos ...

best regards...

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#5 Postby PilgrimX182 » Sep 14, 2007 1:32 pm

Actually Tiny layout was designed for Single file upload. It is possible to start file uploads one-by-one, but this requires extra programming for this specific task.

You cannot change the height of description field right now cause it's not textarea but single text field. Probably will change it to textarea in next version.
You can change styles of description field with these styles in upload_form.html

Code: Select all

.fdescr {width: 300px;}
.xdescr  {color: #aaa;}

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#6 Postby persona.media » Sep 14, 2007 5:42 pm

Hi, and thanks ...

that I imagined:
requires extra programming for this specific task.

But I come then into the benefit for a free upgrade of the future version? is there already a date for new release?

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#7 Postby PilgrimX182 » Sep 18, 2007 5:36 am

It's early october.