XUpload - Max Upload Size?

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Max Upload Size?

#1 Postby Thomas » Sep 17, 2007 12:13 am


First off, the product is great! It's a bit difficult to install, but works like a charm so far.

I'm trying to test with large file upload sizes. I can upload anything up to 100 megs. I'd like to support up to 1.5 gigs, but everything pretty much stops after about 115 megs on the upload.

The temp file is there, but the uploads just stops? I've got the max size set to 2 gigs.

What should i look for to trouble shoot this?


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#2 Postby bsprogs » Sep 17, 2007 1:33 pm

What are your settings in your PHP.ini file on the server for:
upload_max_filesize - http://php.net/ini.core#ini.upload-max-filesize
post_max_size - http://php.net/ini.core#ini.post-max-size

You should also checkout php's built in function ini_set - http://php.net/ini_set

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#3 Postby Thomas » Sep 17, 2007 3:46 pm

I'll need to look in to that, but i'm not sure what PHP has to do with it? It's all uploaded via xUpload cgi scripts isn't it?


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#4 Postby bsprogs » Sep 17, 2007 7:43 pm

Thomas wrote:I'll need to look in to that, but i'm not sure what PHP has to do with it? It's all uploaded via xUpload cgi scripts isn't it?

I deal mostly with PHP, very little cgi/perl. Pilgrim would better answer the CGI question.
From what I've seen, most problems people have with files not uploading correctly, timing out, or files that are too large generally have to do with their php settings.

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#5 Postby Thomas » Sep 19, 2007 7:37 pm

Do you think this may have anything to do with CGI running time? Meaning my service provider may end the cgi script after say 2-3 minutes?

Is this something i could change with htaccess?


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#6 Postby PilgrimX182 » Sep 21, 2007 7:38 am

Yes, some servers have limits on running CGI scripts. Ask the support.
Not sured .htaccess can fix these limits.