The problem is that my site is for Mac users!
I've tested this on multiple Macs with various versions of the OS from 10.4 to 10.4.9 and the behavior is the same whether I use Xupload 2.4 or 2.5 (2.5 is only running on my testbed 'cause I've modded some of your files).
As soon as you push the button to upload the files, the progress bar loads but never moves, actually, nothing updats in the window. Still, after a few seconds the page refreshes and says the file was uploaded. The proper emails are sent, but no file was ever uploaded. The admin email doesn't list a file either.
To see the script in action:
http://www.michaelsmac.com/modules.php? ... icle&sid=4
I plan to go live with this site next week and I'd hate to load it up with warnings against Safari.
Thanks again for your help,