XFileSharing Pro - Changing from a general filehosting site over to only adult

Mega B
Posts: 76
Joined: Jul 08, 2009 12:55 pm

Changing from a general filehosting site over to only adult

#1 Postby Mega B » Mar 21, 2011 11:00 am

I have a general theme FileHosting site that has been up and running for about 2 years but i also have 3 adult image hosting sites which earn me more revenue than the file host,so what i am thinking about is changing the theme of the filehost site over to solely adult related uploading of video and using the image hosting sites as offering both the choice of images and videos.

Does anyone have just a 'legal' adult related filehosting site that is doing well ??? and if so was it a good move ???


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#2 Postby PowerChaos » Mar 21, 2011 1:58 pm

i got a upload site ( boosterking) that does not 100% allow adult ( need to change tos)

but i can say that it is running well under the adult , as most of my premium members are uploading a movie of 12 per day

it seems to me that they do not care about image or video mod , those are more in use for the other users

most users do love the image mod , but only a few likes the video mod (on my site atleast)

then for the move
as i say , it is not 100% a adult site
but all those adult video's are private and i dit not got a single complain about it , they keep using it and they even report bugs to me (so they realy care about it )

but making a 100% adult site wont get you to many visitors
for my suggestion i would keep it mixed

not every1 like to have there adult video's to have public
so if you got only adult stuff on it then no1 will ever know as they stay private ( personal use , used on there site's ??)

strangest part i notice is that they mostly have 1 download ( from owner itself ) so my guess is that it is used to download faster or with http get

hopely this can help you with your desision

Greets From PowerChaos

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#3 Postby PilgrimX182 » Mar 22, 2011 10:40 am

Adult content have better profit but it could be hard to handle it on your servers. Content owners or competitors send abuses to your hosting company, PayPal, Plimus. If you won't remove content in 24 hours from your servers hosting company can disable your server at all (had experienced this 2-3 times). PayPal will require to validate your account several times. Plimus will decline you at all. And there is always risk of law suit from content owners.
Risk above are from my own experience.
So you think twice before moving into adult content hosting.
But you can try anyway.

Mega B
Posts: 76
Joined: Jul 08, 2009 12:55 pm

#4 Postby Mega B » Mar 23, 2011 6:33 pm

Thanks gents for your words of wisdom,after takeing into account what you have said i have decided against it.Thanks