my videos are not playing, they are loading/buffering but not playing.
and also when i check my servers and click update server files/disk used and nothing happens. it only reloads the page.

anyone experienced this? or have a solution please help me
make sure you have mplayer/ffmpeg installed on your file servers & then try upload a new fileryuchix wrote: my videos are not playing, they are loading/buffering but not playing.
what output did you expect ? it will reload only
Code: Select all
# my $code="var s1 = new SWFObject('$c->{site_url}/player/player.swf','player','$file->{vid_width}','$file->{vid_height}','9');
#s1.addVariable('plugins', 'like-1,newsticker-1');
#s1.addVariable('newsticker.text', 'Embed Video's and Premium members Can skip parts of the movie');
i check the database from the old domain, and i check the Files table but i cant find the where to edit the server id's.go to files table , change server id 1 to server id 2