I just need to know what are the valid info I should insert in ( add file server ) fields to test then add my new server successfully !?
1) Name
what is that name, my server ip, or some name I create or what !?
2) cgi-bin URL
Should I leave the default link ( www.myfilehost.com/cgi-bin ) or instead of my file host domain I should put my server IP ?
3) files URL
Should I leave the default link ( www.myfilehost.com/files ) or instead of my file host domain I should put my server IP ?
XFileSharing Pro - Problem in filling the fields of ( Add file server ) !
Name: Any name you'd like to call the file server, like: 1st server ... etc
cgi-bin URL : http://fileserver.com/cgi-bin, it can be an IP like
files URL : http://fileserver.com/files, it can be an IP like
cgi-bin URL : http://fileserver.com/cgi-bin, it can be an IP like
files URL : http://fileserver.com/files, it can be an IP like
yes, it will be your your server link.Steve9e8 wrote:Thanks Mak3000 ...
So in (2) and (3) I should put my server link ?
I've tried that and have the following errors :
Would you please help to fix it ...
About the errors, be sure you have run install file before you adding the server to correct files permissions.