XFileSharing Pro - Pre-Sale Questions

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Joined: Oct 23, 2017 10:00 am

Pre-Sale Questions

#1 Postby soliddrive » Oct 23, 2017 11:53 am

Currently I am using Yetishare but thinking to use XFileSharing. Because Yetishare support is too bad.
When I need urgent help, they failed to support and sometimes it took several days to get response.

So I waould like to know a few things before purchasing XFileSharing.

My website is live and running. There are already some files uploaded and premium users as well.

1) How's the support of XFileShaing? Could somebody rate their support?

2) I found that there is a tool to migrate from Yetishare to XFileSharing. I have no idea how does it work. So the XFileSharing support for migration?

3) If the site is migrated from Yetishare to XFileSharing, is it possible to keep the file URLs the same?
For example, If the URL is (domain.com/file1234) at Yetishare, is it possible to be the same URL (domain.com/file1234) at XFileSharing after migration?

4) How easy to install XFileSharing script and how to set up the server before installation? Any installation instruction that I could check before purchasing?

5) I have checked the demo site admin panel but there are some functions disabled for demo. Something likes file servers.
I would like to check what kind of file server can be used and instruction for setting up file server. Direct storage or FTP or something.
But it is disabled for demo. Is it easy to set up file server and how?

Thank you and I am looking forward to somebody reply.

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Re: Pre-Sale Questions

#2 Postby admin » Oct 25, 2017 11:06 am


Will try to answer your questions:

2) Yes, Yetishare can be migrated to XFilesharing. This process is semi-automatic. You can contact support (if you still didn't) for more details.
3) Yes, we already did that several times.
4) Please create support ticket, we will send you installation instructions.
5) We only have "Direct storage" servers or Amazon S3/Azure (with CDN mod). We do not use FTP as storage at all as it's not reliable to transfer file to main server, then output it in browser. Such method cause quite serious load on main server, so we abandoned this idea 5 years ago.

Hope that helped. Feel free to create support ticket at https://support.sibsoft.net for more information (if you still didnt, as I see several tickets about yetishare to xfs migration, maybe one is yours).
