I've an upload form with which users can upload a file, specyifing some custom fields.
Since I have to post all this data with ajax calls, I followed some hints on this forum and modified this way upload.cgi:
Code: Select all
for my $f (@files)
print "window.top.window.updateUploadDiv('$f->{file_name}' , '$f->{file_name_orig}' , '$f->{file_size2}' , '$f->{file_size}' , '$f->{file_status}');";
I'd like to pass all the custom fields to that javascript function, in addition to other file related data.
I saw something related to @har variable, but I'm not familiar with perl, so please help
Second issue: if I want to make this form multiupload, how can I manage separate custom fields for each file I upload? (E.G. if user uploads 4 songs, I need him to specify title and genre for each song in separate fields). It seems that custom fields are treated without the possibility to do what i need.
I'm using the pro version.