General Discussion & News - XFileSharing 1.0 released!

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XFileSharing 1.0 released!

#1 Postby admin » Aug 08, 2007 9:50 am

Run your own file upload site like Rapidshare or MegaUpload with XFileSharing script. XFileSharing script is an advanced solution for creating free file hosting websites. It does not require mysql database and can be installed on any virtual/shared or dedicated hosting running Perl (most servers do). You can customize look and feel of your site with just editing HTML files and can place banners, adsense or other type advertisement on its pages.

* AJAX upload progress bar (All xupload features)
* unlimited upload file size
* ability to limit size of uploads (overall and per file)
* multiple files upload
* block or allow certain file extensions
* unique download link
* password protected downloads
* captcha protection (unleechable download links)
* set download link expiry time
* allow/disallow IP/network
* email link to yourself or to a friend after upload
* customizable look and feel (editable HTML templates)
* admin receive notification about uploaded files